Thursday, May 31, 2007

Footings Are Done.

I took a quick snap with my camera phone yesterday as I forgot my good camera. The latest rediculousnous from the county health department is that they need to get another sample of our well water because the original water quality sample was taken by me, as apposed to a professional. The good news is, they didn't notice this little glitch until after they had already given us our permits, so It's not going to hold us up on anything. It's just a formality at this point... another in a long line of formalities that they've put us through.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Foundation To Be Poured Next Week.

The crew laid out the forms for the footings this week. They're scheduled to pour on Tuesday and the foundation crew is scheduled right behind them.

How are we going to keep the boys away from her?

Fiona had a fresh haircut and spiffy new duds from head to toe, so I had to snap a pic before we went to church last Sunday morning. She's a natural beauty.

Friday, May 25, 2007

All Things Scottish

Here we are standing in the middle of The Royal Mile in Edinburgh. The amount of incredible historic architecture in this city is unbelievable.
To see more photos click this link:

Below is a photo of the historic governors house in Edinburgh.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Boy Scout in Training

I took Killian with me on my latest scout overnighter. We built this monkey bridge as the culmination of the Pioneering merit badge. I enjoy my calling as the scoutmaster, though I definately understand why it's pretty much the most dreaded calling in church. If you're doing it right it's not just a Sunday calling. It's more of a Sundays, Wednesday nights, and at least one saturday a month calling.

We Felt The Earth Move, Under Our Feet.

Finally seeing some action on our new home project on 10 acres out in Cheney. I will be keeping updated photos of the progress as it gets underway.